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Monday Musings- A Surprising Diagnosis

Happy Monday ladies. I hope you had a relaxing weekend. I spent mine chillin’ to avoid the 100+ degrees temps we’ve been having and wondering how to word this post. My sincere hope is that you find my blog informational, helpful, entertaining and that it inspires you to dress with confidence so you can live your best life. I never intended it to be a diary of my life but these musing posts seem to have turned into what’s up with me and a peek into my life. Most of the time it’s quirky things that cross my mind and often just new things I am loving.

Many of you have been reading and commenting for years, so you feel like friends I’d like to meet for coffee. We’ve created a community of smart, wise, and kind women here so I’ll just come out with it.

Lung Cancer

The doctors have been monitoring a small spot on my husband’s lung for the last two years. It looked weird (not their word:) so he’s been getting regular CT scans. Well, sure enough, the results in January showed it had grown and they thought it was lung cancer. Meanwhile, I had my health scares which blessedly turned out to be fine but they paled in comparison to his. This is his journey and he asked me not to share until we knew.

They would not risk bringing him in for the biopsy because they weren’t scheduling non-essential procedures during the height of COVID and he is in the highly vulnerable category.

So we waited and prayed. Last Thursday we got the go-ahead and he was admitted to U.C Davis.

He had a wedge biopsy that confirmed their suspicions and so they removed his lower left lobe along with 20 lymph nodes. A biopsy of the nodes will show if and how far cancer has spread and what followup he needs. We have peeked at the results online and think that it is a stage one cancer that has not spread! He was released 48 hours later and is home on the mend.

We’re cautiously optimistic but are waiting to talk to the oncologist next week. We do know that stage one and stage two lung cancer recurs with great frequency so this will never be over. Luckily, we are more than blessed to have a very dear friend Bonnie, who knows everything there is to know about Lung Cancer.

“The patient-founded, patient-first Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation was born in 2006 to advance innovative research, provide free education/support resources, and champion advocacy to erase stigma and advance early detection. One of ALCFā€™s first initiatives was an awareness program on buses and billboards across the country. Working globally and collaboratively, ALCF empowered patients, giving them a voice in conversations where leaders in medicine, industry and policy could make decisions that affect their lives.”

“In 2008 ALCF founded a second nonprofit organization, the Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI), an international research consortium to advance innovative studies, including the first-ever study of lung cancer in adolescents/young adults under age 40.”

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women, making up almost 25% of all cancer deaths. More people die of lung cancer each year than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined.

Now another statistic…Bonnie and her husband are part of our dinner group of 5 couples who have been meeting for over 30 years. In that group of 5 families, lung cancer has struck 4 of them. One is a 38-year-old daughter who is fighting for her life against lung cancer and she has never smoked!

Trigger Finger

I am typing this with two fingers, which takes forever because they’re both on my left hand. My daughter came down to be here for her Dad’s surgery and Iā€™m putting her to serious work! Last week I had hand surgery to release a trigger finger and remove some Dupytrons lumps from the palm of my hand. Unfortunately, it’s on my right hand which makes doing most things almost impossible. My son and daughter have been a priceless blessing throughout this whole ordeal. At times like this, I feel more than blessed to have the love and support of family.


I need some recipes ladies. Our veggie garden has gone crazy and besides being overrun with zucchini, we have a ton of mini cucumbers that I have no idea how to pickle. The label on the seed packet said pickles so I assume that’s what they are. Do you have a recipe to share? It’s likely that my daughter will be making these because we are all pickle hounds in our house. In fact, she introduced me to my first fried pickle on our family trip to Montana.

Be well, stay safe and remember to wear what makes you feel confident.




  1. Sending prayers and lots of good vibes for you both. XOXO

  2. Beth Byrd says:

    Hi Jennifer, nothing much to say or add here except lots of good vibes for you and your husband!
    Long time follower!! Love you!!

  3. Jennifer, I think of you as a distant friend and we ā€œhave coffeeā€ together every morning as I read your blog. I just had a feeling you were dealing with something the last few weeks. I am so sorry to hear of your and your husbandā€™s health issues. What a scary time for you and yet, you must feel gratitude for the many blessings of health care specialists and your wonderful circles of family, friends and your loyal blog buddies and fans. Iā€™m sure you are and will continue to face the road ahead with knowledge and grace. Sending you all my best.

  4. Christine says:

    Stay positive and in the moment, take tomorrow when it comes.
    The Danes do a simple pickled cucumber that’s served with everything, even as a topping on open face roast beef sandwiches. The recipe calls for regular size cucumbers, but I don’t see why your mini cucumbers wouldn’t work. You could slice them at an angle or stay with the traditional straight across. You could add thinly sliced onion, dill springs, parsley – it’s easy to play a little with the recipe. I recall my aunt put the vinegar and sugar in a saucepan, as one individual shares, but think the reply about crispness is a good point. Enjoy!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you for sharing…hoping for the best!

  6. Cancer is no respecter of anyone! My dad had a lobe removed some years ago – regular, invasive, break a rib surgery. A friend recently had the same surgery done laparoscopically. Praying for you both as he recovers. Praying he will be the exception and experience no recurrence anywhere in his body. Praying for successful healing for you. Thankful for daughters!

  7. Thanks for trusting us with this newsā€¦ All hope and prayers.

  8. Healing wishes to you and your husband. Hope he will soon receive a plan of attack to begin the process of fighting this cancer. So glad your children are there giving their love and support to both of you! Take care….

  9. Lee Dorner says:

    You & your husband are in my prayers. Our lives can turn on a dime. My husband was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma over a year ago, has had a bone marrow transplant, and is now on maintenance chemo. We feel fortunate that so much can be done now to help people with cancer and that will certainly be true for your husband. I have a very good friend who has survived many years with only one lung and various other surgeries. What a blessing to be supported by your children as we were. In these very uncertain times we must take advantage of each day with our loves.

  10. Our lives can change in the twinkling of an eye sometimes. My husband and I have been blessed because the Doctors have caught things in time. Sometimes I think God sends us a warning like he did me. I had a pain in my side that sent me to ER. While there they found my BP to be in stroke range. I didn’t even know I had high BP.
    Thank God for catching things in time. Our prayers are added to others that he will restore you both to health.

    1. Pamela Swingle says:

      Prayers fir your family.

  11. I am hoping for the best possible news for your husband. Know that there are many folks praying for the both of you.

  12. You and your beautiful family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of hugs your way.šŸ¤—

  13. Jennifer, such sad news. I pray God speed for a good diagnosis and complete healing. Stay safe.

  14. My breath actually hitched when I read your intro. I was worried before you revealed your news. You are blessed to have so many friends with you from your blog who send prayers and encouragement for you and your husband. Plan a celebration for every good news, enjoy those pickles, wear bright colors and watch only hilarious movies. We all will be praying for your family…

  15. Rosemarie says:

    Dear Jennifer

    So much you are dealing with. Glad you/husband have your family with you for support.

    My husband too had lung cancer approx 10 years ago – it was only a fluke that it was diagnosed because he was having another health issue and the dr at the hospital felt something wasn’t quite right and ordered a scan. Thank goodness for that dr.! We were in shock. Things moved so FAST after that. He had 1/3 of his lung removed and recovered well.

    Take care. He is under good medical care.

    1. Cindy Casani says:

      So sorry about your husband Jennifer, but it is good that they caught it early. Lung cancer is often not found until stage 4. Happy your son and daughter are there for you. Family is everything! Will be praying for a complete recovery for your husband.

  16. Francesca B. says:

    Dear Jennifer,
    I am so very sorry to hear the news and I will be thinking of you all and sending out love and light daily and wishing that the” right people ” are with you all during this challenging time. Your children are just absolutely beautiful and a wondeful testament to you and husband’s love; what geneous and full hearts they have. When I went through cancer, one of the things that really helped me and mine on a daily level was watching films, series, that were optimistic and light hearted and finding ways to add postivity to the days. Little silly things to share. Laughter does wonderful things to the mind and body:) Sending love and hugs friend,
    Francesca B.

    1. Thank you so much. Laughter is in short supply too often and it really is the best medicine

  17. Glenda Gordon says:

    Sending prayers for healing and comfort for all…šŸ˜”

  18. I am glad that you have good medical care, and family to take care of you. Hoping for the best for all of you!

    If you’re looking for an easy beginner pickling recipe, look no further than a prepackaged dill pickle mix from the hardware store. The big brand name sold here is Bernardin. Pickling salt and spices are all in the mix. You supply cucumbers, pickling vinegar (stronger than regular), jars and lids. There is a recipe for refrigerator pickles on the container. It’s easy, and a fun way to try pickling for the first time. Bread and butter pickle mix is available, too. This can be done in small batches.

      1. I see Amazon has a number of different options, including Bernardin. I buy the one in the 13.4 oz. flex batch size, and make pickles as I have time.

  19. What is the saying? Getting old is not for wimps (or something.) I admire your strength and your whole family’s.

    1. That’s it! I think Bette Davis said, “getting old isn’t for sissies:)” I say, strap on your helmet and roll with the punches.

  20. Prayers for all of you during this journey. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»

  21. I’m so sorry to read that you are experiencing another health scare in your family; however, it seems that both you and your husband are actively aware of your wellness and take care of yourselves. My prayers are with you.

  22. Prayers that both you and your husband may heal quickly and live happy and productive lives! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

    I am sorry to read that you both are facing some challenges but that seems to be a part of everyoneā€™s lives right now. 2020 has been a rough year on nearly everyone that I know, including my husband and I. Keep calm and continue seeking resolutions!


    1. I’d like to just skip right over 202o! Sending healing thoughts for you and your husband

  23. Thinking of you and your Husband. So great to have your family with you. Hope all goes well in the future.

  24. After reading all of these comments, know that your family is surrounded by prayer warriors! Add me to the list…

  25. ((Hugs)) and prayers for you and hubby

  26. Your stress level must be over the charts. You are a strong person Jennifer with a strong support group which will help you and your loved ones during the coming months. Take good care and take some time each day for yourself. Thought and prayers coming your way in abundance.
    I try and make my mother in laws wonderful onion and cucumber relish each year. Very simple to do but oh so good.
    Carole from the Island

    1. Carol, tasty and simple?! Would you be willing to share the recipe?

    2. It is pretty high but I find my blog and this community a saving grace. Thanks for being here.

    3. Elizabeth says:

      Yes, please share!

  27. Barb Davis says:

    Sending prayers for you and your family.

  28. Prayers for you and your husband that God will lay His hand of healing upon you both and give you strength and encouragement during these most difficult of times.

  29. I had my upper right lobe removed in 2005 due to stage 1a lung cancer when I was 54. No chemo or radiation. I was told that I had a 98% chance of never being ā€œbotheredā€ by that pesky thing again. Letā€™s hope so! Thinking positive thoughts for you and your husband! And I have had trigger finger releases done on both hands. What a pain in the butt that is!šŸ¤—. Arenā€™t we lucky to have our children?

    1. I pray for your continued good health Nancy! This finger has been bugging me for a while so I am glad to have it done.

    2. Nancy that is wonderful to read! Iā€™ma stage IIB survivor, 3 years now. I love reading how well youā€™ve done!

  30. DiannešŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ says:

    It is so awesome that you trust us ,your blog friends, I am thinking positive thoughts for your husband.
    It sounds like you are ā€œon itā€ & that you have a good team.
    So pleased that your daughter could come to help.
    Love following your blog.

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