Milestones and Memories

Happy Monday ladies! Today Iā€™m sharing a life update. As you know, Iā€™ve been having a fabulous visit with my daughter this week and our adventures continued through the weekend. Saturday morning my husband, she and I drove up to spend family time with my son and grandson.

My daughter hasnā€™t been here since Christmas so we had lots of catching up to do.

My grandson’s language skills are growing so quicklyĀ itā€™s a hoot to teach him newĀ things words. MyĀ husband caught a video of me trying to teach my grandson how to wiggle his ears šŸ˜‰ He can already raise each eyebrow independently…but not voluntrily yet so we’ll work on it. The joys of grandchildren are endless.

On Sunday my husband and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. How did that happen so fast?

getting engaged in Stowe Vermont
Skiing in Vermont the weekend we got engaged circa 1977

Over the weekend our kids asked what our recipe was for a 40 year marriage. My husband had an eloquent answer immediately. I didnā€™t but the longer I thought about it, the more I realized my recipe was simple. Not the marriage, the formula.

We are a team, and team members play differently than independents. He always has my back, and I always have his. A 40-year marriage takes love, respect, and laughter. Always laughter because when times are tough you have to be able to laugh.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!




  1. Congratulations on your special 40th anniversary…We will be celebrating 38 years on March 15! You both look marvelous in the photo, and your family times will be lasting memories!!

  2. Congratulations and happy anniversary to both of you! You both are adorable.

  3. Julie,Melbourne,Australia says:

    How wonderful to reach 40 years!Your smiles say it all and it is so important to have each other’s backs.Life is full of twists and turns and knowing someone is there for you through it all is priceless.Hope your weekend has been memorable and packed with love and laughter.Thanks for sharing.
    PS We have our 38th anniversary this Wednesday March 14.

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