Moving On

What’s worse than packing and moving? Doing it with a head cold. Yesterday was moving day and Iā€™m beyond thrilled to get this behind us. Tomorrow will be even busier when they deliver our things to the house we rented. There will be weeks if not months of unpacking before we feel settled into our rental but there’s no rush. I plan to leave as many boxes packed as possible because we’ll be moving again in a year or so. This has been a massive amount of work and makes me want to embrace minimalism. Big time.

I was already exhausted when my feet hit the floor yesterday morning and it got worse from there. Itā€™s funnyĀ that I thought I was ready until the truck pulled up and I realized how many small loose things were not packed.

I remember it took a long time for our house to feel like home. Iā€™m guessing that theĀ rental we are moving into will never feel like home because it won’t be. Life feels surreal. Almost like we pulled the rug out from under ourselves. Of course, thatā€™s what we needed to do to get out of our comfort zone and make a change.

As we were getting the last things out of our backyard I noticed that one of our palm trees is about to bear fruit. It only seems to do that every six years, so it feels kind of special when it happens. I had a momentary feeling of sadness that I would not see those fruit ripen and fall to the ground. Then reality sunk in as I remembered the violent diarrhea Lucy got from eating them.

This move feels bittersweet. We loved our little house. Perhaps because we gutted it to make it exactly the way we wanted…right down to the antique FrenchĀ Chandeliers (which we have brought with us).

I wandered around taking pictures after everything was out and realized this house was for another time in our lives. I’m now looking forward and excited to see what’s next.

Are you planning to move in retirement?

Thanks for reading ladies and have a great day.


  1. Mona Gould says:

    I love all of your posts! It seems we all have a lot in common at our age. I love following your clothes posts, even thought I am the opposite shape- small from the waist up and bigger booty and thighs. I realize what I learn from you I have done the opposite, and it works for me. Thank you:)

  2. I could have written almost the exact same words at this time last year!! The last few items to move just multiply themselves as the moving truck arrival time approaches. Vowing to be better about accumulating STUFF! Backyard trees hold more memories than we realize — the last morning in our home of 16 years, I was picking up the scrappy debris that falls from the apple tree right after it flowers. I had done it countless times before, but realized I would never do it again. It reminded me so much of the Brad Paisley song called “Last Time for Everything” which goes through a whole list of things that are “lasts” — some are for the best, some are tough, and that is just the way the world works for all of us. (I didn’t have the head cold, though!)

    1. So true Pam. There is a last time for everything and itā€™s not always a bad thing.

  3. Jennifer, we moved last week from the home that has been in my family for 80 years. I lived there for 51 or my 63 years. We too loved our home, but felt it was time for a change and the closer we got to moving day the stronger that felt. As the house got dismantled and packed up it became very clear that it was ready for a new family to love it up and time for us to make a big change – moved downtown into a townhouse. I laughed when I read your comment about freaking out at how much there was left at the last minute. So true! Best of luck to you and you navigate this next year before truly settling down. Lots of experiments!

    1. Wow thatā€™s a big change! Bravo to you Kate. I think a townhouse is a wonderful option. Weā€™ll see where we end up. Good luck to you too.

  4. We have downsized and rented (church manse) for 9 months because we had a buyer and hadnā€™t found what we were looking for. I also tried not to unpack ( think Christmas)! We stayed in our rental whole we renovated a bungaloft condo. Happy to be in a smaller home & am still working on reducing the boxes of stuff in the basement.

    1. I think Iā€™ll be reducing for years. Hubs keeps opening boxes which is driving me batty :-O

  5. You never know what life will bring. I was widowed, retired, remarried and my second husband hated living in the city and wanted to move to a rural area. This we did and within five years he died. I thought about moving back to the city but houses were not selling so I decided to stay put and make the most of it. Now I love the peace and quiet of the country and am happy looking at deer, rabbits, raccoons etc. No matter where you live you can make it “home”. Best of lucky, Jennifer. I do enjoy your blog.

    1. So true Jill. Iā€™m so happy to hear youā€™re settled in and enjoying the rural life. I often wonder if it would appeal to me.

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