Will You Still Need Me When I’m 64? (On the Topic of Anti-Aging)

Today is my sixty-fourth birthday. How the hell did that happen so fast? Today has me thinking about aging, making the most of the time we have, and how much I deplore the phrase “anti-aging.” I want to talk about pro-aging and the beauty of aging.

Last week I was approached by a brand (who will remain nameless) via my Instagram page, to try out and share what may very well be a lovely beauty product. And the moment I saw it was called an “anti-aging” face cream, I stopped reading. It was a hard stop. The phrase “anti-aging” is so offensive to me on a deep level. Do you feel the same way?

I want to look the best I can for my age, but I don’t want to lie about my age. I don’t want to anti-age. I am not ANTI-aging – I am pro-aging. When did we become a culture so obsessed with youth?

I recall always wanting to be older as I was growing up. To be older was to be cooler, more sophisticated, more interesting.

I’ll never forget the year I forgot how old I was. ALL YEAR I told everyone I was 38. I thought I was 38 deep in my soul. But then my birthday rolled around and I realized I was turning 38 and had robbed myself of my 37th year. Ha! Of course, I had tweenagers at the time, which probably accounts for a fair amount.

Now I am certainly a fan of products that can help soften the signs of aging on my skin. I’ve used Botox. I use Retin-A. I feel no shame about that. But it’s not because I want to deny that I am aging, or that aging is a dirty word or something we should hesitate or shy away from.

mom at 64
My mom

What a blessing it is to age – whatever that looks like for you. My mother died when she was nine years older than I am today. And on her deathbed, she spoke about regret that she had for things she had not done. And she was adventurous! But her time was cut short. Last year my daughter climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in honor of my mom, one of the dreams she couldn’t fulfill and carried a photo of her to the summit.vanessa connolly on top of Mt Kilimanjaro

You often hear about people living in the moment. But that’s a hard thing to do. Not to mention this year, when we are all trapped at home (or in my case, currently in quarantine), and longing for life to get back to normal. And we can all feel our own version of disappointed, sad, and frustrated about the situation we find ourselves in with the pandemic, and the long list of other challenges happening in the world right now. But maybe this is indeed the best year for all of us to learn how to live in this moment. With the future so uncertain, we have to grab what we can and do what we love.

This is a great time to be a woman that is aging.

It is never too late to start over, to start a new health kick, a new lifestyle, a new relationship. We are only limited by our own fears, insecurities, and restrictions.

I started my own business in 2012. The year before, I could barely navigate my laptop! And these last eight years have taught me just how many opportunities are available to us – with the right amount of dedication and hard work.

Don’t allow anyone to dim your light, or limit your potential.

The truth is we are aging and it’s a great thing. We can be pro-aging and still do all we can to look our best. There is no expiration date on ambition, hope, and great style.




  1. Happy birthday to my favorite blogger!! I once knew a very kind elderly gentleman, who always said with a twinkle in his eye when asked how he was, “Any day I wake up this side of the dirt is a very good day!” So, I wish you many many more years of being this side of the dirt! šŸ’šŸŒøšŸŒ¹

  2. Happy Birthday! I am finding the 60’s (I am 66, and I don’t feel it at all) to be a great decade. I want to keep making memories (all the more so as my mother, 89 years old, is in memory care with Alzheimers, and she has no memories left.) This is my last year of teaching (after 40 years), retiring, picking up and moving to be closer to our daughter, son-in-law, and grandson. So many changes for us, lots of anxiety, sadness to leave our friends and house, and excitement for the next stage of our lives. Working on staying healthy to enjoy our lives, making new memories all the time. Let’s all celebrate that we are enjoying life to the fullest.

    1. Patti Shannon says:

      Happy Birthday! I am a couple of years older than you and I truly appreciate your attitude toward ā€œanti-agingā€…Iā€™m pro aging personally! I am a happier and more content woman than I was 10 years ago and feel that I still have a lot to contribute! Enjoy your day…and all the other days to come!

    2. Thank you. Those changes ahead for you are a bit scary and exciting at the same time. Being nearer to your grandson will be amazing!!

  3. Happy Birthday to you! šŸŽ‚
    I will turn 70 in September and find it a great blessing to be older. It is not that we age – – we all do that – – it is ā€œhowā€ we age that matters.

  4. marilyn ackerman says:

    Life is one big game (or a test) and you just play the cards you are dealt. I just turned 76. I retired at 66 and thought I would volunteer, etc. Nope. My 40+ daughter who lives with me has a very severe anxiety problem and is bipolar also. Her 24 year old daughter, also living with me has Lennox-Gestaught syndrome. I have to stay active for them as I do the driving and all the other things I have done all my life. Granddaughter is like a 5 year old and is non verbal. She is the love of my life and I really think she is responsible for my attitude on life.
    I am not doing Botox during this pandemic and since whenever I leave the house I am wearing a mask, my skin gets a rest from cosmetics Enjoy your life at whatever age you are

  5. annie vanderven says:

    Happy birthday Jennifer, You look fantastic.
    Age is what you make of it, it is only a number just remember you carry dust of the stars in you, we are all wonders , I am flirting with 80 have not kissed it yet (next year) but every morning I wake up is a blessing, will not give you a litany of ills affecting my body but seeing the day’s awakening is a joy, we cannot do anything about the misery in the world no matter what anyone says just look in your own backyard first and give help there. Something that everyone seems to have forgotten.

    Forgot to mention I am a survivor of WW2 believe me the virus is nothing comparing what happened then, it lasted for years …. it has taught me that humanity will survive anything…. fortitude is what will carry the day!!!!So Jennifer take this day with both hands and enjoy every blessings coming your way.

  6. Ellen Mahan says:

    I discovered you last year, and so look forward to waking up every day, seeing the pictures you post, your great ideas, and your commentary. You always bring a chuckle, or some in sight or aha moment- I am constantly learning new ideas and ordering so many fun things-
    Thanks for sharing and brightening up our days!

  7. Linda Henderson says:

    I appreciate the inspiration. Have a Happy Day!

  8. You will always look back at this time and wish you were this young again.

    Thank you for poignant and uplifting message. This is your best piece.

    Happiest of birthdays to you and many more!

  9. Happiest of birthdays to you! I just turned 60 and feel the same – where did the time go? Thank you for sharing a photo of your mom, so beautiful! This a great read and wonderful reminder to savor life.

  10. Love your posts. They help me to stay “young” and vibrant.
    Bless you on this beautiful birthday, and a toast to all of our days.

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love your post today and totally agree with you! Certain places did put a lump in my throat, though. I’m happy to be alive and enjoying life even through these difficult times! Thank you and I hope you enjoy and celebrate your birthday all weekend!!! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚šŸŽˆ

  12. Griselle CC says:

    Happy Birthday!! I turned 64 in June and I am also celebrating my age. My mother dies when she was only 63 and I feel blessed that I am passed that age and my sister is about to be 68. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to age.

  13. Happy Birthday! I hope you will enjoy today from start to finish!

    I have always felt that we should embrace each Gd given year that we live. I never tell people that I am younger than I am. I tell the truth. I am 67 and I donā€™t care who knows it.

  14. Happy birthday and lovely post! I share your sentiments completely. My mother turns 95 next month!

      1. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

  15. Happy Birthday! I turned 69 two weeks ago and I agree with your pro-aging attitude. Since retiring two years ago I have taken up golf and learned mahjong. My next project is to organize a genealogy endeavor that I started years ago. Although I have longevity in my family, my mom lived to be 94 and my grandmother to 88, I vividly remember the challenges they faced in the latter years. So as much as I care for my physical self I am reminded to care for my mental state as well. Hard thing to do these days! I dismantled my FB page and now see Instagram is quickly becoming another invasion to my privacy. Pinterest is loaded with nonsense I donā€™t need to waste time on. I enjoy your blog along with 5 others and really appreciate the sensibility I can garner from you and the others. Thank you!

  16. MollIe M. says:

    Happy Birthday Jennifer. You certainly look so much like your beautiful mother. Have a wonderful happy day!

  17. Happy Birthday Jennifer. You look great! My mom, who then lived in Vancouver, fell and was hospitalized. I flew in and was staying in her bed in her suite. I turned 60 while there. I remember waking up saying I am 60! Looking around and said I am in a nursing home!!

    1. Thatā€™s a heck of a way to turn 60. I hope your mom is recovered.

  18. patricia valentic says:

    Happy birthday. You wear 64 years well! My Dad always told me not to regret getting older it is a privilege denied to many. He aged in a dignified manner. His modeling taught me to accept aging. I am with you I do not think anti aging is the message we want to hear. I just want to be the best I can be at my age. I loved your nod to the Beatles. Happy 64th. patval

  19. Francesca B. says:

    Happy birthday Jennifer! Have a gorgeous day celebrating you! Such a treat seeing your lovely mum and daughter. A beautiful family!!

  20. Happy Birthday! I will be 73 next week and am definitely pro-aging.

  21. Happiest of birthdays! You are amazing. I am so glad I found your blog. We live very near each other so your posts of local areas are so fun for me. I will be 64 in December, so right behind you and I get all that you are saying. Such truth. Thank you! Enjoy your special day and your time with your special daughter.

  22. Happy birthday šŸŽšŸŽŠšŸŽ‚!
    Your beautiful mom is , Iā€™m guessing an inspiration!?
    Iā€™m 70 this year and just got in a special birthday celebration with my kids before the “Lock down”!
    It was the most special birthday Iā€™ve ever had!
    Love your pro-aging stance! Youā€™ve got lots to look forward to so keep inspiring us to look good and feel good, too!

  23. Happy Happy Birthday! You are beautiful and I love your blog. Pro-aging! Love that!! Hope your day is wonderful. Hugs and thanks for the great advice!

  24. Cindy Casani says:

    Happy birthday Jennifer! I wish you many more! I too am 64 and moving on to 65 in October. I feel the best now that I’ve ever felt. Wiser, healthier, happier and retired so enjoying life with my husband and really enjoying my two little granddaughters (and their parents!).
    That picture of your mom is beautiful–you and your daughter look so much like her! Have a wonderful and fulfilling 64th year!

  25. Happy Birthday – have a fabulous day and year ahead! I turned 64 two weeks ago and have outlived my parents and brother who all died young. I never look back – my motto is Live the Life You Love and Love the Life You Live!

  26. Happy birthday Jennifer! šŸŽŠšŸŽ‚ You look fabulous and very much like your beautiful mother! Love your blog and your attitude!

  27. Suzanne Sanders says:

    Happy Birthday, Jennifer, and Living Our Best Lives at Any Age is a motto I can resonate with! I, too, deplore the ‘anti-aging’ tag. Now that we Baby Boomers comprise a huge segment of American society, we are in a position to challenge the hateful stereotypes. I like the website “Growing Bolder” (as in opposition to simply ‘growing older’). Gaining years in age is a privilege that is not accorded to all; sadly, we see this when we realize that many of our same age counterparts, friends, and colleagues are no longer with us. Taking care of our bodies and our health, reaching out to folks in need, and exuding a generous spirit: That’s what it’s all about. As far as problems in life go, no matter what has happened or gone on before: We can all begin today and ‘finish well’.

  28. Happy Birthday and hang in there! You are young, beautiful, and alive. Yes, our time is short but it is up to us to make good use of it, each and every day. Sounds simple but it takes focus and thought. Have a great celebration. I wish you many more years to come:)

  29. Happy BirthdayšŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰

  30. Happy 64th Birthday! May you be blessed with a wonderful year of health and joy. Beautiful genes certainly run in your family!

    Our culture has been obsessed with youth for decades, unfortunately. I am about to be 68 in November….and I cannot remember the last time that I went to a doctor’s office and was not told that “….is just age-related.” However, I am not offended by the term anti-aging: I prefer to look at it as a badge of honor.

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